Radomir quo Drakavisch

"I choose to live by choice, not by chance."
—Miyamoto Musashi

Female Hrothgar - Bozjan Nationalist - Former Imperial
(Mateus - Crystal Datacenter)


Name: Radomir (Rad-oh-meer) Drakavisch (Drak-ah-vish)
Aliases: Nedelya
Titles: The Bozjan; The Lioness of Bozja
Age: 32+ Years
Nameday: 16th Sun, Third Umbral Moon
Birthplace: Bozja
Race: Hrothgar
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 172 lbs
Sexuality: Pansexual
Occupation: Wandering Sellsword & Bounty Hunter
Skills: Swordsmanship, Tactics, Strategy, Leadership


Fierce in appearance, Radomir is a Bozjan Hrothgar one learns not to cross, despite how pretty one may think she looks. Though well muscled, and bearing an athletic build, Radomir is shorter than the average Hrothgar, though that lack of heigh is by no means a weakness to her.Grey skin, pale red marks across her face, and a flowing mane of dark grey hair are what can be seen right away, for the rest of her body tends to be covered by her uniform.Marsh green coat, gray militaristic pants and brown boots with matching gloves. She makes use of two weapons; A gunaxe of Thavnairian make, and a Garlean officers gunblade. Both are visible on her person at all times.


Patient, calm, but deadly. Radomir is one whose discipline keeps her in check. Never one to resort to violence as a first measure now that she is no longer a conscript, and her nation occupied, Radomir believes in a peaceful transition to an age of prosperity, and finds her part to play by hunting dangerous bounties.She believes in a world free of tyrannical powers like that of the late Empire, one where nations may be independent to rule themselves. Though she knows she cannot change the politics of any nation, she can do her part by aiding its people.

The Wandering Lioness

Formerly a conscript of the IVth Legion, and later a secretive organization referred to as "EX-ANIMUS", Radomir managed to find her freedom just prior to the liberation of Ala Mhigo, and now seeks to mete out her own fate. Serving as a wandering sword to those who have need of it, she primarily makes a living by hunting down dangerous beasts, criminals, and sometimes even rare treasures.On very rare occasions she also provides consultations on militaristic endeavors, similar to that of a defense contractor. Her skills as a strategist and tactician brought the demise of many Bozjan Resistance groups, and she seeks to use those skills now to help better the Star.

Roleplay Hooks

  • Served in the IVth Legion? You may recall her having command of a small cohort in the region of Dalmasca.

  • If you fought in Ala Mhigo during the liberation, you may recall fighting alongside her after her defection from Garlemald.

  • Want to learn the art of the Gunbreaker or military tactics? One can seek Radomir out for these purposes.

Out-of-Character Info

  • First & Foremost, I do not partake in ERP. A scene could full well lead up to it, but I do not actively seek to partake in RPing the bedside lewds.

  • I am not always on Radomir. My RP main Telriah Aurelstar comes first, she is who I play on the most. I also lead the guild she is in, the EAC.

  • Per the above, I do have a life outside of the game. Sunday through Thursday, I work 11 PM to 7 AM Eastern Standard. I am only available for RP from 4 PM to 9:30 PM EST during these days.

  • I do a lot of stuff outside of the game while logged in, please do not be offended if I spontaneously go AFK. I will warn you ahead of time in most cases!